Let’s make compelling change/Let’s make change compelling

The Handbook for Creative Futures
This handbook responds to the increasing urgency for reimagining futures beyond dystopias and utopias. It features essays that explore the challenges of how to think about compelling futures, what these better futures might be like, and what personal and collective practices are emerging that support the creation of more desirable futures.

Catalyzing Relational Creativity for Transformative Leadership
Recently, an organizational leader expressed to us a frustration we’ve been hearing a lot lately: “These days, I can’t seem to get it right. On the one hand, everyone is tired and overwhelmed, so they want me to make all the decisions. But on the other hand, these same people rebel against any decision that doesn’t include them in the process.”

Creating Space for Emergent Imagination
To open pathways of imagination beyond these habituated responses, I often invite groups to move together—and dwell for a while—into divergent spaces of not-knowing. Can we pause and stretch (even in the discomfort of it) before our habitual responses set our direction, inadvertently taking us into the same-old ruts and dead ends?

Creating Compassionate Communities of Interdependence
Compassion is increasingly considered an essential aspect of a thriving and resilient community. The Charter for Compassion, based on an international movement and network among scholars, organizations, and community development practitioners, believe that compassionate driven actions are central to community wellbeing and ecological sustainability.

Engaging Creative Tensions in Activist + Social Movement Spaces
This essay explores creativity as a more fulsome force for positive social change, and in particular, how a deeper cultivation of the creative attitude (in contrast to an authoritarian attitude) both individually and collectively, may increase the transformative potential of activist and social movement cultures and spaces.

Leading Change: The Theory + Practice of Integrative Polarity Work
Many practitioners in the field of systems change in North America and Europe frame the current era as a time between stories, a time of opposing worldviews. This article suggests one way of navigating the increasing uncertainty and tumultuousness of the current context is through framing these worldviews as in a generative relationship with one another.

Creativity + The Future
Human creativity shapes the future. The future comes into being through human creativity, and human beings are only beginning to understand how they are creating the future. The creativity of the modern age led to tremendous progress in science and technology, and to rapid social change.

Transformative Leadership
The basic premise of transformative leadership is that everyone can lead, and that particularly in this transformative moment, everybody contributes to, and in fact co-creates, the world we live in, whether conscious of their agency or not.